eurolink traductors s.l. has implemented a Quality Control System according to the ISO 9001:2000 Standard. This process implies the creation of a Quality Manual with specific work instructions in order to guarantee a uniform and smooth translation process.

Quality translation requires many things, including

the continuing professional training of the translator,
the management and updating of reference sources (dictionaries, glossaries, publications, etc.),
strict quality control,
the analysis of translations to expand glossaries with new terms,
client advisory services and
the preservation of all relevant documentation to assist with queries and ensure consistency.

In order to achieve consistent quality levels, a set of properly standardised, rigidly implemented procedures is required. Today, established standards exist to govern the quality of translation services, such as the German DIN 2345 which shall dissapear in a ner future, when the European Standard for Translation Services comes into force.

The EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies) drew up the EUATC Quality Standard for the proper preparation and the correct and complete processing of assignments by translation companies. This Standard was the basis for the future European Standard for Tanslation Services developed by the CEN. Is it expected to be published by 2005.